“Employees don’t leave companies; they leave managers.” This statement circulates frequently in HR circles and because of that, it’s hard not to take it personally when an employee leaves your company. And oftentimes, it comes down to more than just a salary.
You could be the best manager on the planet, but the truth is that this fact still doesn’t have the power to stop an employee from eventually leaving their role should they outgrow your company and their position in that company. In any business, turnover is simply the name of the game. Regardless of all of this, employees want to feel valued by their employers. As someone in a management position, how do you demonstrate that you value your employees? One way is by offering the right benefits.
As an employer, it’s in your best interest to attract the right candidates, and it’s in your power to create the best environment so that they will not only stick around as employees but also want to do so. So, what are your prospective employees truly looking for in a new job?
- Flexible schedules: Your employees work to live, they don’t live to work. A flexible schedule shows them that you support them in maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Tip: Flexible schedules, including having work-from-home days, are known for increasing at-work productivity! With this kind of schedule, you’ll also attract powerful candidates who happen to be working parents.
- A management team who cares about their well-being: This can tie into flexible schedules, but this point largely relates to workplace wellness initiatives. One survey found that fifty percent of employees would like to see a greater focus on well-being at their company–something to take note of. How can you demonstrate the same? A) Access to a fitness facility or an allowance towards one for their physical health. B) Access to psychological wellness services or an allowance towards such services for their mental health.
- Opportunities for professional development: A good employee will leave if they feel they are no longer growing in their role, and as an individual. When they’re looking for a new job? They’ll seek out supplemental learning options. This can be in the form of workshops, retreats, conferences, or lunch and learn sessions.
- Caregiver leave: If the unthinkable happens to an employee’s family member, such as a critical illness, the family will inevitably move into first place in that employee’s life. Knowing that a leave is not only accepted but encouraged by management goes a long way to demonstrate a company’s empathy.
- Supplementary income: Are your best-performing employees rewarded for taking the initiatives that grew your annual profits through bonuses? This can be a tangible method to demonstrate that you truly appreciate the value in existing employees’ work for your business as well as a deciding factor for many goal-oriented viable candidates.
What kind of employer do you strive to be? Are you interested in providing a competitive benefits package as part of your brand? Contact me or fill out our free quote form for a customized benefits solution.