virtual assistant

The Benefits of Hiring a Virtual Assistant

We spend, on average, 12-18% of our work week answering email—that’s an average of 620 emails a week, and about 11 hours of sifting through our inboxes, reading and crafting responses to connect and bring in business. Virtual Assistants (VAs), both human and AI (Artificial Intelligence), are a growing necessity for a business owner looking […]

cover employers manual

Responding to COVID-19 for Employers and Employees

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, I will do everything I can to provide the most up-to-date information for my valued clients and community. The best way for us to all do our part in the prevention of this virus starts at taking social distancing measures to help reduce the number of new cases, […]

Business process

Business Process: Is it time to rethink it?

Process. The word strikes deep into the hearts of business owners because we never stop thinking about it, or questioning it. · Is my business working at an optimal level? · Did I only need one meeting to accomplish what I just did in three? · Could I have accomplished this task online or over […]

Start 2020 with these business tips and lessons

Start a New Decade with These 5 Noteworthy Lessons from Small Business Owners

Entrepreneurs, in particular small business operators and owners, are not strangers to trial and error and misstep. What is important is what we learn and take away to fuel our next move. Here are a few lessons from small business owners to lead us into a new decade! Hiring Key People. Susan Guillory, President of […]

Hopkins Insurance - Event sponsorship

Local Marketing Tips: Benefits of Event Sponsorship

Sponsoring a local event — like a fun run or a festival — is a great way to boost exposure for your small business and connect directly with potential customers, while also contributing to your local community. To maximize the benefits of event sponsorship, you’ll want to do it right. Learn how hosting or sponsoring […]

Hopkins insurance - office wellness

Wellness at Work

Supporting staff wellbeing in the workplace is the responsibility of every business owner. Priorities that come to mind include: paying competitive wages and offering comprehensive benefit plans, or encouraging career development opportunities through educational programming and training. But what about mental health? Here are some mental-health focused activities, resources and strategies that can be incorporated […]

employees happy about their new group benefits package

How to Create a Workplace Culture That Attracts (and Retains) TOP Talent

Corporate culture is more than shiny foosball tables and Friday fireside chats. It’s more than a weekly happy hour in the office or an office getaway. While those things all seem pretty great, what is corporate culture anyway? Corporate culture is built upon a value system; a company’s beliefs, values, ethics and method of working. […]

small business owners discussing the importance of group benefits

How can a group benefits plan help my employees?

So a new employee joins the team. Their job is ultimately to help you, but what about the other way around? Healthcare is the number one benefit employees look for in a potential employer. In fact, 77% of respondents say they wouldn’t move to a job that didn’t include health benefits. When you provide an […]

a group of small business owners in Richmond BC

What (good) candidates look for in an employer

“Employees don’t leave companies; they leave managers.” This statement circulates frequently in HR circles and because of that, it’s hard not to take it personally when an employee leaves your company. And oftentimes, it comes down to more than just a salary. You could be the best manager on the planet, but the truth is […]